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So what are you waiting for - call your local Holly Hill Auto Insurance MetroSurance Agent Today.
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
Navigate your change with Inspirit Yoga Studio Orlando
7 Ways to Navigate Change Like a Yogi
Most of us who practice yoga will, at some point, find ourselves facing internally motivated choices that can radically alter our lives. That’s when we need to learn how to bring our practice off the mat so it can help us birth the emerging self that change promises to bring forth—and support us as we work through the fear and confusion that change can bring.
Yoga—in its widest sense—can give us the strength and insight we need to navigate the most radical forms of change. Equally as important as the practices of yoga are some of yoga’s basic (and highly applicable) teachings—the recognition that we affect the exterior by working on the interior.
1. Know That Change is Inevitable
The Buddhist Doctrine of Impermanence, annica, tells us that change is inevitable, continuous, and unavoidable. Everything changes. Just realizing that fact can protect you from turning to that most disempowering of reactions to change: “Why me?
2. View the Change as an Initiation
In traditional societies, every phase of life was regarded as an initiation into a new way of being and was marked with a ceremony that often asked the initiates to step into the unknown in some way, whether it was observing a prayer vigil, spending the night in darkness, or answering questions that tested their skills. The change itself, if you go through it consciously, is the doorway into the next stage of growth—one that propels you into a deeper relationship with yourself and the world.
3. Meditate Through Uncertainty
The deep uncertainty that arises during processes of change is perhaps the most daunting part of the experience. Why? Because a true change process will involve surprises, reversals, false starts, and periods of coming to a dead halt. In these moments, you’re likely to experience fear, anxiety, anger, irritability, sadness, grief, and the physical and psychological contraction that often goes along with feeling uncertain and unclear. It’s much easier to stay steady through a life-change process when you have a meditation practice, because meditation teaches you how to keep going back into your center, the core awareness that is your contact point with the Self and that aligns your individual consciousness with the heart of the universe.
4. Uncover Your Truest Desire
Self-inquiry, or atma vichara, is the core yogic process for navigating change. It’s a simple but effective process of asking yourself core questions such as, “What is my true desire in this situation?” or “What outcome would be the best for everyone?” As answers surface, write them down.
5. Set a Strong Intention
The next step is to make a sankalpa—a clearly articulated, affirmative statement about what you intend to do. When you make a true sankalpa, you call on the power of your personal will and align your personal will with the cosmic will. If you have gone through the self-inquiry process and have a sense of what your true desire is, you should be able to make a sankalpa that is in line with your truest wish. The deeper the alignment between your core desire and your intention, the more likely you are to successfully initiate a life change that supports that alignment.
6. Take Action, One Step at a Time
The very heart of the practice of yoga is abhyasa—steady effort in the direction you want to go. So when you are initiating a life change, consider the steps you need to take to make it happen, again using the technique of self-inquiry. Once you’ve thought things through, it’s crucial to take action. Effective abhyasa, in the yoga of life change, is to take things one step at a time so you avoid feeling overwhelmed.
7. Practice Letting Go
One of the positive byproducts of making a life change, from a yogic perspective, is the opportunity that it gives you to practice vairagya, which is usually translated as “detachment,” or letting go. That means letting go of the past; letting go of the way that things used to be; letting go of your fear, your grief, your old relationship, your old job. But you don’t want to let go in a “hard” way, forcing yourself to be a samurai of change. Instead, let yourself grieve the losses or feel the anxiety. Then breathe out and imagine that whatever you’re holding on to is flowing out with the breath
We're here to help you navigate your change. Come visit.
7575 Kingspointe Pkwy Suite 21
Orlando, Florida
Most of us who practice yoga will, at some point, find ourselves facing internally motivated choices that can radically alter our lives. That’s when we need to learn how to bring our practice off the mat so it can help us birth the emerging self that change promises to bring forth—and support us as we work through the fear and confusion that change can bring.
Yoga—in its widest sense—can give us the strength and insight we need to navigate the most radical forms of change. Equally as important as the practices of yoga are some of yoga’s basic (and highly applicable) teachings—the recognition that we affect the exterior by working on the interior.
1. Know That Change is Inevitable
The Buddhist Doctrine of Impermanence, annica, tells us that change is inevitable, continuous, and unavoidable. Everything changes. Just realizing that fact can protect you from turning to that most disempowering of reactions to change: “Why me?
2. View the Change as an Initiation
In traditional societies, every phase of life was regarded as an initiation into a new way of being and was marked with a ceremony that often asked the initiates to step into the unknown in some way, whether it was observing a prayer vigil, spending the night in darkness, or answering questions that tested their skills. The change itself, if you go through it consciously, is the doorway into the next stage of growth—one that propels you into a deeper relationship with yourself and the world.
3. Meditate Through Uncertainty
The deep uncertainty that arises during processes of change is perhaps the most daunting part of the experience. Why? Because a true change process will involve surprises, reversals, false starts, and periods of coming to a dead halt. In these moments, you’re likely to experience fear, anxiety, anger, irritability, sadness, grief, and the physical and psychological contraction that often goes along with feeling uncertain and unclear. It’s much easier to stay steady through a life-change process when you have a meditation practice, because meditation teaches you how to keep going back into your center, the core awareness that is your contact point with the Self and that aligns your individual consciousness with the heart of the universe.
4. Uncover Your Truest Desire
Self-inquiry, or atma vichara, is the core yogic process for navigating change. It’s a simple but effective process of asking yourself core questions such as, “What is my true desire in this situation?” or “What outcome would be the best for everyone?” As answers surface, write them down.
5. Set a Strong Intention
The next step is to make a sankalpa—a clearly articulated, affirmative statement about what you intend to do. When you make a true sankalpa, you call on the power of your personal will and align your personal will with the cosmic will. If you have gone through the self-inquiry process and have a sense of what your true desire is, you should be able to make a sankalpa that is in line with your truest wish. The deeper the alignment between your core desire and your intention, the more likely you are to successfully initiate a life change that supports that alignment.
6. Take Action, One Step at a Time
The very heart of the practice of yoga is abhyasa—steady effort in the direction you want to go. So when you are initiating a life change, consider the steps you need to take to make it happen, again using the technique of self-inquiry. Once you’ve thought things through, it’s crucial to take action. Effective abhyasa, in the yoga of life change, is to take things one step at a time so you avoid feeling overwhelmed.
7. Practice Letting Go
One of the positive byproducts of making a life change, from a yogic perspective, is the opportunity that it gives you to practice vairagya, which is usually translated as “detachment,” or letting go. That means letting go of the past; letting go of the way that things used to be; letting go of your fear, your grief, your old relationship, your old job. But you don’t want to let go in a “hard” way, forcing yourself to be a samurai of change. Instead, let yourself grieve the losses or feel the anxiety. Then breathe out and imagine that whatever you’re holding on to is flowing out with the breath
We're here to help you navigate your change. Come visit.
7575 Kingspointe Pkwy Suite 21
Orlando, Florida
Friday, April 24, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Benefits of Breakfast - Red Roof Cafe
The Benefits of Breakfast
Eating breakfast is a daily habit for the "successful losers" who belong to The National Weight Control Registry. These people have maintained a 30-pound (or more) weight loss for at least a year, and some as long as six years.
"Most -- 78% -- reported eating breakfast every day, and almost 90% reported eating breakfast at least five days a week - which suggests that starting the day with breakfast is an important strategy to lose weight and keep it off," says James O. Hill, PhD, the Registry's co-founder and director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.
Two studies in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association backed up this finding. Though they were funded by cereal companies, dietitians say they underscore the message - breakfast is important to weight loss.
A group of researchers analyzed data from a government-funded study that followed more than 2,000 young girls from ages 9 to 19. They found that regular cereal eaters had fewer weight problems than infrequent cereal eaters. Those who ate cereal occasionally had a 13% higher risk of being overweight compared to the regular cereal eaters.
Another research group analyzed government data on 4,200 adults. They found that regular breakfast eaters were more likely to exercise regularly. And women who ate breakfast regularly tended to eat fewer calories overall during the day. Those men and women who ate breakfast cereal had lower overall fat intake -- compared to those who ate other breakfast foods. | (386) 561-9535
Eating breakfast is a daily habit for the "successful losers" who belong to The National Weight Control Registry. These people have maintained a 30-pound (or more) weight loss for at least a year, and some as long as six years.
"Most -- 78% -- reported eating breakfast every day, and almost 90% reported eating breakfast at least five days a week - which suggests that starting the day with breakfast is an important strategy to lose weight and keep it off," says James O. Hill, PhD, the Registry's co-founder and director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.
Two studies in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association backed up this finding. Though they were funded by cereal companies, dietitians say they underscore the message - breakfast is important to weight loss.
A group of researchers analyzed data from a government-funded study that followed more than 2,000 young girls from ages 9 to 19. They found that regular cereal eaters had fewer weight problems than infrequent cereal eaters. Those who ate cereal occasionally had a 13% higher risk of being overweight compared to the regular cereal eaters.
Another research group analyzed government data on 4,200 adults. They found that regular breakfast eaters were more likely to exercise regularly. And women who ate breakfast regularly tended to eat fewer calories overall during the day. Those men and women who ate breakfast cereal had lower overall fat intake -- compared to those who ate other breakfast foods. | (386) 561-9535
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Yoga Poses to Boost Creativity - Inspirit Yoga Studio Orlando
5 Poses to Boost Creativity
It happens to the best of us: We carve out plenty of time in our schedules. We make sure we’re well fed and well rested. We tidy up our surroundings so that there’s nothing else to do but create. Yet, when we sit down to actually make it happen, our minds are as blank as the white screen we sit staring at. As someone who writes for a living, it happens to me far more than I’d like to admit. Although I’m a writer, this cycle of stifled creativity shows up in other places in my life, too. When I’m uninspired in the kitchen, I end up eating the same meals over and over again. I stare blankly at the clothes in my closet as I try to get ready to go somewhere thinking, How can someone have so many clothes and yet nothing to wear?! Even my yoga practice suffers when my creative mind hasn’t been nurtured. While sometimes a few cups of coffee and a long walk in the sunshine can get things moving, nothing is more effective at boosting my creativity than a good yoga session. The right poses in the right combination almost always clear the cobwebs in my mind to make way for new ideas and motivate me to create great things–whether it’s a blog post or a fabulous dish for a potluck.
Here are 5 poses that help be get the creative juices flowing:
Pigeon Pose. It’s common knowledge among yoga students that we store emotions in our hips, so hip-openers like Pigeon Pose can help people release a lot of negative emotions. But the hips and pelvis are also a center for creativity. This part of the body is aligned with the second chakra, which represents creative energy (as well as sexual energy and reproduction). Honestly, I don’t know that much about chakras, but I know from experience that taking Pigeon Pose on both sides and forward bending with my forehead pressing into the ground for a few minutes is the best medicine for blocked creativity.
Seated Garudasana (Eagle Pose). This is another hip-opener that I love to do whenever I feel creatively blocked. As an added bonus, it’s also a shoulder stretch. Since I hold a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders, it’s a good way for me to soften both tension and any apprehension that might be holding me back from self-expression.
Headstand. There’s something amazingly grounding about Headstand. It offers a fresh perspective, which is crucial to creating. And it can’t hurt that this pose brings a little extra oxygen to the brain.
Child’s Pose. You can’t force creativity. Sometimes all you need to do is relax, take a break, and let the wisdom bubble up naturally. Child’s Pose helps me do this when I feel like I’ve run out of steam.
Seated Meditation. Spending a few minutes in seated meditation always reminds me that I’m a part of something so much bigger than myself. Connecting with this idea, puts me in the right frame of mind to hone my craft and put my creations out into the world.
Let's get creative together!
7575 Kingspointe Pkwy Suite 21
Orlando, Florida
(407) 203-6866
It happens to the best of us: We carve out plenty of time in our schedules. We make sure we’re well fed and well rested. We tidy up our surroundings so that there’s nothing else to do but create. Yet, when we sit down to actually make it happen, our minds are as blank as the white screen we sit staring at. As someone who writes for a living, it happens to me far more than I’d like to admit. Although I’m a writer, this cycle of stifled creativity shows up in other places in my life, too. When I’m uninspired in the kitchen, I end up eating the same meals over and over again. I stare blankly at the clothes in my closet as I try to get ready to go somewhere thinking, How can someone have so many clothes and yet nothing to wear?! Even my yoga practice suffers when my creative mind hasn’t been nurtured. While sometimes a few cups of coffee and a long walk in the sunshine can get things moving, nothing is more effective at boosting my creativity than a good yoga session. The right poses in the right combination almost always clear the cobwebs in my mind to make way for new ideas and motivate me to create great things–whether it’s a blog post or a fabulous dish for a potluck.
Here are 5 poses that help be get the creative juices flowing:
Pigeon Pose. It’s common knowledge among yoga students that we store emotions in our hips, so hip-openers like Pigeon Pose can help people release a lot of negative emotions. But the hips and pelvis are also a center for creativity. This part of the body is aligned with the second chakra, which represents creative energy (as well as sexual energy and reproduction). Honestly, I don’t know that much about chakras, but I know from experience that taking Pigeon Pose on both sides and forward bending with my forehead pressing into the ground for a few minutes is the best medicine for blocked creativity.
Seated Garudasana (Eagle Pose). This is another hip-opener that I love to do whenever I feel creatively blocked. As an added bonus, it’s also a shoulder stretch. Since I hold a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders, it’s a good way for me to soften both tension and any apprehension that might be holding me back from self-expression.
Headstand. There’s something amazingly grounding about Headstand. It offers a fresh perspective, which is crucial to creating. And it can’t hurt that this pose brings a little extra oxygen to the brain.
Child’s Pose. You can’t force creativity. Sometimes all you need to do is relax, take a break, and let the wisdom bubble up naturally. Child’s Pose helps me do this when I feel like I’ve run out of steam.
Seated Meditation. Spending a few minutes in seated meditation always reminds me that I’m a part of something so much bigger than myself. Connecting with this idea, puts me in the right frame of mind to hone my craft and put my creations out into the world.
Let's get creative together!
7575 Kingspointe Pkwy Suite 21
Orlando, Florida
(407) 203-6866
Visit Hontoon Island, stay at the 1876 Heritage Inn
There's plenty of things to do in Volusia County and many of them are in the beautiful outdoor world we are blessed to have in sunny Florida. Visit Hontoon Island.
Hontoon Island State Park is a 1,648-acre Florida State Park located on Hontoon Island between the St. Johns River and the Hontoon Dead River in Volusia County. It is only a few miles from Orange City, off SR 44, and can only be reached by boat or park-operated passenger ferry. No motorized vehicles, other than wheelchairs, are allowed to be brought onto the island and there is no swimming. The island has pine flatwoods, palm and oak hammocks, bald cypress swamps and marshes. Hontoon Island is surrounded by the St. Johns River, the Hontoon Dead River, and Snake Creek.
Activities include horseshoes, cycling, boating, canoeing, kayaking, and fishing, as well as hiking, camping, picnicking, and nature viewing and photography. The island can be circumnavigated with a nine and a half-mile day trip; Blue Spring State Park is a short paddle up the St. Johns one way. Amenities include canoe rentals, bike paths, eleven tent sites and six rustic cabins. The park also has overnight boat slip rentals, playground equipment, picnic tables, and a 3.4-mile nature trail. The park has a lending library with picture books for children aged four to nine. The park is open from 8:00 am till one hour before sunset year-round.
After your full day of cycling, boating, and fishing, you'll need a place to rest your head. Stay a night in the rich Florida history at the 1876 Heritage Inn.
(386) 774-8849
(386) 774-8849
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Life insurance needs - Holly Hill MetroSurance
Holly Hill Insurance Agents with MetroSurance offers several coverage options for your life insurance needs.
Life Insurance
There are many types of life insurance available to individuals and businesses in Holly Hill. However, the various life insurance products can be classified as one of two types: term insurance and permanent insurance.
Term Insurance is designed to meet an insured’s temporary needs. It provides protection for a specific period of time (the “term”) and generally pays a benefit only if the named insured passes during the term. This type of insurance often makes sense when you have a need for coverage that will disappear at a specific point in time.
In contrast, permanent insurance provides lifelong protection. As long as you pay the premiums, and no loans, withdrawals or surrenders are taken, the full face amount will be paid. Because it is designed to last a lifetime, permanent life insurance accumulates cash value and is priced for you to keep over a long period of time.
The specific type of life insurance which is appropriate for you depends upon your unique circumstances and financial goals.
The best way to figure out the amount and type of life insurance that makes sense for your particular situation is to schedule a meeting with one of our qualified Holly Hill life insurance professionals.
An annuity is an insurance product which, in exchange for a sum of money, guarantees that the issuer will make a series of payments at some future date. These payments can be either level or increasing periodic payments for a fixed number of years or until the end of life. The main feature of an annuity is that it is a vehicle for distributing savings with a tax-deferred growth factor. The two general types of annuities are immediate and deferred annuities.
Unlike in the past, when life annuities were the main type of contract, today there are a multitude of different types of annuities. There are far too many types to list them all here, but some of the main types are:
- Fixed Annuities
- Variable Annuities
- Indexed Annuities
- Immediate Annuities
Please call your Holly Hill insurance leader at 386-310-1551 or e-mail us at for a free quote.
Life Insurance
There are many types of life insurance available to individuals and businesses in Holly Hill. However, the various life insurance products can be classified as one of two types: term insurance and permanent insurance.
Term Insurance is designed to meet an insured’s temporary needs. It provides protection for a specific period of time (the “term”) and generally pays a benefit only if the named insured passes during the term. This type of insurance often makes sense when you have a need for coverage that will disappear at a specific point in time.
In contrast, permanent insurance provides lifelong protection. As long as you pay the premiums, and no loans, withdrawals or surrenders are taken, the full face amount will be paid. Because it is designed to last a lifetime, permanent life insurance accumulates cash value and is priced for you to keep over a long period of time.
The specific type of life insurance which is appropriate for you depends upon your unique circumstances and financial goals.
The best way to figure out the amount and type of life insurance that makes sense for your particular situation is to schedule a meeting with one of our qualified Holly Hill life insurance professionals.
An annuity is an insurance product which, in exchange for a sum of money, guarantees that the issuer will make a series of payments at some future date. These payments can be either level or increasing periodic payments for a fixed number of years or until the end of life. The main feature of an annuity is that it is a vehicle for distributing savings with a tax-deferred growth factor. The two general types of annuities are immediate and deferred annuities.
Unlike in the past, when life annuities were the main type of contract, today there are a multitude of different types of annuities. There are far too many types to list them all here, but some of the main types are:
- Fixed Annuities
- Variable Annuities
- Indexed Annuities
- Immediate Annuities
Please call your Holly Hill insurance leader at 386-310-1551 or e-mail us at for a free quote.
Enjoy breakfast at the Red Roof Cafe
Breakfast Benefit: Weight Control
Many studies, in both adults and children, have shown that breakfast eaters tend to weigh less than breakfast skippers.
Why? One theory suggests that eating a healthy breakfast can reduce hunger throughout the day, and help people make better food choices at other meals. While it might seem you could save calories by skipping breakfast, this is not an effective strategy. Typically, hunger gets the best of breakfast-skippers, and they eat more at lunch and throughout the day.
Another theory behind the breakfast-weight control link implies that eating breakfast is part of a healthy lifestyle that includes making wise food choices and balancing calories with exercise. For example, consider the successful losers followed by the National Weight Control Registry, all of whom have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off at least one year. Some 80% of the people in the Registry regularly eat breakfast (and also follow a calorie-controlled, low-fat diet).
It's worth noting that most studies linking breakfast to weight control loss looked at a healthy breakfast containing protein and/or whole grains -- not meals loaded with fat and calories.
The Red Roof Cafe wants breakfast to be part of your healthy lifestyle - so eat breakfast this week with! | (386) 561-9535
Many studies, in both adults and children, have shown that breakfast eaters tend to weigh less than breakfast skippers.
Why? One theory suggests that eating a healthy breakfast can reduce hunger throughout the day, and help people make better food choices at other meals. While it might seem you could save calories by skipping breakfast, this is not an effective strategy. Typically, hunger gets the best of breakfast-skippers, and they eat more at lunch and throughout the day.
Another theory behind the breakfast-weight control link implies that eating breakfast is part of a healthy lifestyle that includes making wise food choices and balancing calories with exercise. For example, consider the successful losers followed by the National Weight Control Registry, all of whom have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off at least one year. Some 80% of the people in the Registry regularly eat breakfast (and also follow a calorie-controlled, low-fat diet).
It's worth noting that most studies linking breakfast to weight control loss looked at a healthy breakfast containing protein and/or whole grains -- not meals loaded with fat and calories.
The Red Roof Cafe wants breakfast to be part of your healthy lifestyle - so eat breakfast this week with! | (386) 561-9535
Monday, April 20, 2015
The 1876 Heritage Inn - Where history meets comfort
Cool St Johns Facts!!
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings used the St. Johns as a backdrop in her books South Moon Under and The Yearling, and several short stories. In 1933 she took a boat trip along the St. Johns with a friend. In the upper basin, she remarked on the difficulty of determining direction due to the river's ambiguous flow, and wrote in a chapter titled "Hyacinth Drift" in her memoir Cross Creek that she had the best luck in watching the way the hyacinths floated. Rawlings wrote, "If I could have, to hold forever, one brief place and time of beauty, I think I might choose the night on that high lonely bank above the St. Johns River."
Live the History if only for one night! 1876 Heritage Inn. | (386) 774-8849
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings used the St. Johns as a backdrop in her books South Moon Under and The Yearling, and several short stories. In 1933 she took a boat trip along the St. Johns with a friend. In the upper basin, she remarked on the difficulty of determining direction due to the river's ambiguous flow, and wrote in a chapter titled "Hyacinth Drift" in her memoir Cross Creek that she had the best luck in watching the way the hyacinths floated. Rawlings wrote, "If I could have, to hold forever, one brief place and time of beauty, I think I might choose the night on that high lonely bank above the St. Johns River."
Live the History if only for one night! 1876 Heritage Inn. | (386) 774-8849
Friday, April 17, 2015
Your Holly Hill insurance company - MetroSurance
Holly Hill Business Insurance Agents with MetroSurance offers several coverage options for your business
* Business Owners Policies (BOPs)
* Commercial Property
* Commercial Liability
Rest easy knowing your Holly Hill Area business is protected with our trusted MetroSurance Agent!
We know that businesses like yours have unique and specific insurance needs, which is why we provide everything you are looking for in an insurance company – low rates, excellent service, financial stability, and customized coverage.
Here are just a few of the business categories we cover:
Apartment Owners in Holly Hill
Commercial Building Owners -Industrial, Retail and Office
Mini Storage
Office Risks
Print & Graphic Design Businesses
Retail & Service Businesses
Restaurants in Holly Hill
Customized Protection
Holly Hill Business Insurance Agents with MetroSurance offers a wide range of business insurance coverage options, all designed to protect you, your business and your business property at a price you can afford. Our most common policy coverage includes:
Business Income
Excess Coverage - Proudly serving Holly Hill
(888) 683-1159
* Business Owners Policies (BOPs)
* Commercial Property
* Commercial Liability
Rest easy knowing your Holly Hill Area business is protected with our trusted MetroSurance Agent!
We know that businesses like yours have unique and specific insurance needs, which is why we provide everything you are looking for in an insurance company – low rates, excellent service, financial stability, and customized coverage.
Here are just a few of the business categories we cover:
Apartment Owners in Holly Hill
Commercial Building Owners -Industrial, Retail and Office
Mini Storage
Office Risks
Print & Graphic Design Businesses
Retail & Service Businesses
Restaurants in Holly Hill
Customized Protection
Holly Hill Business Insurance Agents with MetroSurance offers a wide range of business insurance coverage options, all designed to protect you, your business and your business property at a price you can afford. Our most common policy coverage includes:
Business Income
Excess Coverage - Proudly serving Holly Hill
(888) 683-1159
Listen to your mother - Red Roof Cafe
Your mother was right: Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it give you energy to start a new day, but breakfast is linked to many health benefits, including weight control and improved performance.
Studies show that eating a healthy breakfast (as opposed to the kind containing doughnuts) can help give you:
A more nutritionally complete diet, higher in nutrients, vitamins and minerals
Improved concentration and performance in the classroom or the boardroom
More strength and endurance to engage in physical activity
Lower cholesterol levels
Eating breakfast is important for everyone, but is especially so for children and adolescents. According to the American Dietetic Association, children who eat breakfast perform better in the classroom and on the playground, with better concentration, problem-solving skills, and eye-hand coordination.
Visit the History Now - LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER & EAT WITH US AT THE RED ROOF CAFE in the 1876 Heritage Inn... explore, learn, enjoy!
(386) 561-9535
Studies show that eating a healthy breakfast (as opposed to the kind containing doughnuts) can help give you:
A more nutritionally complete diet, higher in nutrients, vitamins and minerals
Improved concentration and performance in the classroom or the boardroom
More strength and endurance to engage in physical activity
Lower cholesterol levels
Eating breakfast is important for everyone, but is especially so for children and adolescents. According to the American Dietetic Association, children who eat breakfast perform better in the classroom and on the playground, with better concentration, problem-solving skills, and eye-hand coordination.
Visit the History Now - LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER & EAT WITH US AT THE RED ROOF CAFE in the 1876 Heritage Inn... explore, learn, enjoy!
(386) 561-9535
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Two Pawn Guys - Come check out the shop
Pawns shops are GREAT places to find deals on MANY items. Looking for a ring? What about a TV, stereo, camcorder, or camera? Or for the hunter in the family, a gun. Need MONEY to pay a bill? Bring us one of the items just mentioned or call and we will be glad to help you out of a bind.
We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry. / 352-729-6693
Two Pawn Guys is a second hand dealer - so we buy and sell. Our team can buy gold, silver, platinum, electronics, and historical items. So if you have something to sell give us a call or stop by.
18830 U.S. Hwy 441,
Mount Dora, Florida 32757
(352) 729-6693
We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry. / 352-729-6693
Two Pawn Guys is a second hand dealer - so we buy and sell. Our team can buy gold, silver, platinum, electronics, and historical items. So if you have something to sell give us a call or stop by.
18830 U.S. Hwy 441,
Mount Dora, Florida 32757
(352) 729-6693
Benefits of a massage - Bliss Massage
Not only are massages good for your muscles, especially after a long week of work stress and arduous workouts, but getting a massage also helps the rest of your body and your mind. Getting a massage helps you relax, relieve tension, and de-stress, and it also helps boost your immune system by increasing white blood cell counts.
The Benefits of Massage Therapy Are Many!
Experts estimate that upwards of 90% of disease is stress related.....90%! It is our belief that nothing ages us faster both internally and externally than stress. Massage Therapy is an effective tool in managing stress. Here are a few examples how:
Decreases anxiety
Enhances sleep quality
Increased energy
Improves concentration
Increases circulation
Reduced fatigue
Improves range of motion in joints
Alleviates chronic pain such as low back pain
Eases medication dependence
Enhances immunity by stimulating lymph flow, which is the body's natural defense system
Improves the condition of the skin, our largest organ
Reduces muscle spasms and cramping
Reduces post-surgery adhesion and swelling
Releases endorphin, our body's natural painkiller
Lessens depression
Relieves migraine pain
Schedule your massage today!
Call us at 386.871.0670
The Benefits of Massage Therapy Are Many!
Experts estimate that upwards of 90% of disease is stress related.....90%! It is our belief that nothing ages us faster both internally and externally than stress. Massage Therapy is an effective tool in managing stress. Here are a few examples how:
Decreases anxiety
Enhances sleep quality
Increased energy
Improves concentration
Increases circulation
Reduced fatigue
Improves range of motion in joints
Alleviates chronic pain such as low back pain
Eases medication dependence
Enhances immunity by stimulating lymph flow, which is the body's natural defense system
Improves the condition of the skin, our largest organ
Reduces muscle spasms and cramping
Reduces post-surgery adhesion and swelling
Releases endorphin, our body's natural painkiller
Lessens depression
Relieves migraine pain
Schedule your massage today!
Call us at 386.871.0670
1876 Heritage Inn - Stay with history
Following the Civil War, however, famed author Harriet Beecher Stowe lived near Jacksonville and traveled up the St. Johns, writing about it with affection: "The entrance of the St. Johns from the ocean is one of the most singular and impressive passages of scenery that we ever passed through: in fine weather the sight is magnificent." Her memoir Palmetto Leaves, published in 1873 as a series of her letters home, was very influential in luring northern residents to the state.
The 1876 Heritage Inn is available for you and your family to relive history in! Call us today.
Enjoy Volusia County & stay with history.
(386) 774-8849
The 1876 Heritage Inn is available for you and your family to relive history in! Call us today.
Enjoy Volusia County & stay with history.
(386) 774-8849
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Are you listening? To God?
"God is still Speaking..."
A campaign by the United Church of Christ to remind us that God still has a lot more to say...
Since New Hope United Church of Christ opened its doors, this quote has been a burning vision of New Hope to make religion relevant again and to extend an extravagant welcome to all—because no matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here. Here at the New Hope United Church of Christ.
Learn more about us!
A campaign by the United Church of Christ to remind us that God still has a lot more to say...
Since New Hope United Church of Christ opened its doors, this quote has been a burning vision of New Hope to make religion relevant again and to extend an extravagant welcome to all—because no matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here. Here at the New Hope United Church of Christ.
Learn more about us!
DeLand, FL, USA
Give your brain a break.
"We really only have so much psychological energy that we can use on any given day. All efforts to control behavior, to perform and to focus draw on that pool of psychological energy. Once that energy source is depleted, we become less effective at everything we do," says Trougakos. The mid-day meal provides a perfect opportunity to detach ourselves from the source of that energy drain and recharge our resources.
We know eating a nutritious lunch can improve our health and productivity, but it turns out how, where and with whom we eat our midday meal is just as important as what we eat. While you may think you’re being more productive by eating lunch at your desk, taking your lunch elsewhere may be the best thing you can do for your own health and the health of your business.
John Trougakos, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior & HR Management at the University of Toronto recently published a study on lunch break patterns in office workers and says the absence of a proper lunch break can cause greater fatigue and lower productivity.
Give your brain a break.
"We really only have so much psychological energy that we can use on any given day. All efforts to control behavior, to perform and to focus draw on that pool of psychological energy. Once that energy source is depleted, we become less effective at everything we do," says Trougakos. The mid-day meal provides a perfect opportunity to detach ourselves from the source of that energy drain and recharge our resources.
We know eating a nutritious lunch can improve our health and productivity, but it turns out how, where and with whom we eat our midday meal is just as important as what we eat. While you may think you’re being more productive by eating lunch at your desk, taking your lunch elsewhere may be the best thing you can do for your own health and the health of your business.
John Trougakos, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior & HR Management at the University of Toronto recently published a study on lunch break patterns in office workers and says the absence of a proper lunch break can cause greater fatigue and lower productivity.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
So much to do in Volusia county - Stay at the 1876 Heritage Inn
Following the Seminole Wars, a gradual increase in commerce and population occurred on the St. Johns, made possible by steamship travel. Steamboats heralded a heyday for the river, and preceding railroads they were the only way to reach interior portions of the state. They also afforded the citizens of Jacksonville a pastime to watch competing races. By the 1860s, weekly trips between Jacksonville, Charleston, and Savannah were made to transport tourists, lumber, cotton, and citrus. The soil along the St. Johns was considered especially successful for producing sweeter oranges.
Stay the night in an official historical building - the 1876 Heritage Inn!
(386) 774-8849
(386) 774-8849
Monday, April 13, 2015
Enjoy your breakfast with Red Roof Cafe
Volusia Fact:
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings used the St. Johns as a backdrop in her books South Moon Under and The Yearling, and several short stories. In 1933 she took a boat trip along the St. Johns with a friend. In the upper basin, she remarked on the difficulty of determining direction due to the river's ambiguous flow, and wrote in a chapter titled "Hyacinth Drift" in her memoir Cross Creek that she had the best luck in watching the way the hyacinths floated. Rawlings wrote, "If I could have, to hold forever, one brief place and time of beauty, I think I might choose the night on that high lonely bank above the St. Johns River."
Live the History if only for one night! 1876 Heritage Inn.
(386) 561-9535
Volusia Fact:
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings used the St. Johns as a backdrop in her books South Moon Under and The Yearling, and several short stories. In 1933 she took a boat trip along the St. Johns with a friend. In the upper basin, she remarked on the difficulty of determining direction due to the river's ambiguous flow, and wrote in a chapter titled "Hyacinth Drift" in her memoir Cross Creek that she had the best luck in watching the way the hyacinths floated. Rawlings wrote, "If I could have, to hold forever, one brief place and time of beauty, I think I might choose the night on that high lonely bank above the St. Johns River."
Live the History if only for one night! 1876 Heritage Inn.
(386) 561-9535
Friday, April 10, 2015
Enjoy historic Volusia County at the 1876 Heritage Inn
Have you ever been told how much there is to do in Orange City?
Here is a cool place to see when your staying at the Heritage Inn - the Blue Spring State Park.
Blue Spring State Park is ranked #1 of 12 attractions in Orange City by
You can see manatees, alligators, and a variety of native birds! Some times more than 300 manatees visit the park during the month of December. If you like visiting: Parks; State Parks; & the Outdoors - Blue Springs is for you! This state park offers a variety of outdoor activities including camping, hiking, canoeing, fishing, boating, snorkeling and scuba diving. Afterwards, you can return the Heritage Inn to relax after a long day of exploring.
As always, it is our great pleasure to serve you and your families. Contact us at: (386) 774-8849 or visit us at: 300 South Volusia Ave US-17-92, Orange City, Florida
Thursday, April 9, 2015
There's never a bad time for a massage
Bliss Massage Spa can help beautify and revitalize skin through massage. Massage could bring about improved circulation to your skin, increased nutrition to the cells, and encourage cell regeneration as well. Another benefit of massage is boosting the production of sweat from your sweat glands, so it allows your body to excrete urea and other waste products of your skin. You skin color will be better due to the Vasodilation of the surface capillaries brought by massage. In addition, other factors of skin, such as elasticity and resistance to infection are both strengthened by this therapy.
Call to schedule your massage today!
Call to schedule your massage today!
Holly Hill renter's insurance
We understand that Holly Hill condo owners have needs different from those of renters and homeowners, which is why we offer Holly Hill insurance options just for you. Take a look at some of the coverages we offer and then talk to one our friendly, knowledgeable agents. You’ll get a plan built especially for you and you’ll like the price, too.
Personal Property: Provides coverage for your household items in the event of fire, theft or other covered loss. Did you know that most condo association policies don’t provide coverage for your personal belongings?
Additional Personal Property: Provides additional coverage for antiques, fine art, jewelry and other valuables.
Improvements: Provides coverage for fixtures and improvements, such as cabinets, flooring and lighting, as well as other free standing structures that may not be covered by your condo association’s policy.
Loss Assessment: Provides additional coverage in the event your condo association levies an assessment on each condo owner to make common area repairs for a covered loss.
Additional Living Expenses: Provides coverage for living expenses if your condo becomes uninhabitable as a result of a covered loss.
Personal Liability Protection
Pays for bodily injury or property damage caused to others as a result of a covered incident.
Guest Medical Protection: Pays medical expenses for your guests who are accidentally injured on your property.
Workers’ Comp Coverage: Pays medical expenses for your personal part-time employees, such as nannies or maids, who are injured on the job.
Condos Rented to Others: Provides liability and contents coverage on your condo when you rent it to others.
Additional Personal Property: Provides additional coverage for antiques, fine art, jewelry and other valuables.
Improvements: Provides coverage for fixtures and improvements, such as cabinets, flooring and lighting, as well as other free standing structures that may not be covered by your condo association’s policy.
Loss Assessment: Provides additional coverage in the event your condo association levies an assessment on each condo owner to make common area repairs for a covered loss.
Additional Living Expenses: Provides coverage for living expenses if your condo becomes uninhabitable as a result of a covered loss.
Personal Liability Protection
Pays for bodily injury or property damage caused to others as a result of a covered incident.
Guest Medical Protection: Pays medical expenses for your guests who are accidentally injured on your property.
Workers’ Comp Coverage: Pays medical expenses for your personal part-time employees, such as nannies or maids, who are injured on the job.
Condos Rented to Others: Provides liability and contents coverage on your condo when you rent it to others.
Allow our local Holly Hill Insurance Agents with MetroSurance to help you today!
(888) 683-1159
(888) 683-1159
It's lunch time at Red Roof Cafe
Eating in the middle of the day, several hours after breakfast, re-energizes your body and can raise blood sugar levels when focus and concentration are flagging. If you’re feeling sluggish, eating even a small lunch can renew your energy and help you feel refreshed and ready to take on the next several hours. In addition, eating lunch keeps your metabolism active, especially if you have a moderately sized meal and a snack before and afterward. “Extended periods of starvation between large meals creates gaps which keep metabolism from staying active,” says Dr. Kurt Hong, the Center for Human Nutrition director of Huntington Medical Foundation.
So join us for Lunch at the Red Roof Cafe in the 1876 Heritage Inn is available for you and your family! Come for the food but stay to relive history! Call us today. | (386) 561-9535
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
1876 Heritage Inn - Postal Museum
Creation of the U.S. Postal Museum began in 1995 through the efforts of Postmaster Joe Guthrie (Deland, Florida) and postal historian and curator, Richard Feinauer. The museum started as a collection of displays temporarily housed in a ten by sixteen foot room inside the Deland Post Office. In 1998, when the Post Office relocated, a new, permanent home for the display was needed.
Orange City is seemed very well suited for a postal museum since the city and the surrounding area are at the origin of Volusia County's history. Back in 1876, the first Post Office for the area, later to be known as Orange City, was housed in the very same building as the museum now resides, 129 years later! In 1886 a Post Office was established at Blue Springs Landing, on the St. Johns River. Ten years later, the Post Office was again relocated to Orange City( do you know where) and the name was changed to the Orange City Post Office.
The Museum was established for the preservation and appreciation of postal history and postal artifacts. Through the efforts of the United States Postal Service and private individuals, there now exist numerous items on display that represent all phases of the U.S Postal Service from inception to the present time.
Walk inside a recreated Post Office from the 1940's. Visitors will see various artifacts, paperwork, books, forms, and clothing used over fifty years ago. Observe up close many postal artifacts, which have all but disappeared from modern day postal facilities. Learn about mail processing, mail delivery, stamps and postmarks. Explore the 80 foot hallway lined with over 100 shadow boxes full of postal memorabilia and hundreds of envelops categorized with such topics as slogans, Army/Navy, and many more. Find the world's largest postage stamp (???) and the one with the earliest date. Visit the special display on Orange City postal history. (Richard, would like to get this). Search through hundreds of stamps which are "free" for the taking.
The Museum is conveniently located just 30 minutes from Orlando or Daytona Beach in the 1876 Heritage Inn at 300 South Volusia Avenue (Highway 17-92) in Orange City, Florida. The Museum is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Saturday 10 a.m. to Noon for self-guided tours. Narrated tours are available with advance notice for tours of eight or more.
Orange City is seemed very well suited for a postal museum since the city and the surrounding area are at the origin of Volusia County's history. Back in 1876, the first Post Office for the area, later to be known as Orange City, was housed in the very same building as the museum now resides, 129 years later! In 1886 a Post Office was established at Blue Springs Landing, on the St. Johns River. Ten years later, the Post Office was again relocated to Orange City( do you know where) and the name was changed to the Orange City Post Office.
The Museum was established for the preservation and appreciation of postal history and postal artifacts. Through the efforts of the United States Postal Service and private individuals, there now exist numerous items on display that represent all phases of the U.S Postal Service from inception to the present time.
Walk inside a recreated Post Office from the 1940's. Visitors will see various artifacts, paperwork, books, forms, and clothing used over fifty years ago. Observe up close many postal artifacts, which have all but disappeared from modern day postal facilities. Learn about mail processing, mail delivery, stamps and postmarks. Explore the 80 foot hallway lined with over 100 shadow boxes full of postal memorabilia and hundreds of envelops categorized with such topics as slogans, Army/Navy, and many more. Find the world's largest postage stamp (???) and the one with the earliest date. Visit the special display on Orange City postal history. (Richard, would like to get this). Search through hundreds of stamps which are "free" for the taking.
The Museum is conveniently located just 30 minutes from Orlando or Daytona Beach in the 1876 Heritage Inn at 300 South Volusia Avenue (Highway 17-92) in Orange City, Florida. The Museum is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Saturday 10 a.m. to Noon for self-guided tours. Narrated tours are available with advance notice for tours of eight or more.
hotel orange city,
Orange City,
postal museum
Orange City, FL, USA
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
UCC Deland - Come visit
If you are young or old, you are welcome
If you have brown skin, black skin, white skin, yellow skin, or red skin, you are welcome
If you are married or single, you are welcome
If you are gay or straight, you are welcome
If you cannot hear or see, you are welcome
If you are sick or well, you are welcome
If you are a man or a woman, you are welcome
If you are happy or sad, you are welcome
If you are rich or poor, powerful or weak, you are welcome
If you believe in God some of the time or none of the time or all of the time, you are welcome...
You are welcome here.
Come with your gifts, your pain, your hope, your fears
Come with the traditions that have helped you and hurt you
Come with your experiences that have made you and broken you
Come with a mind ready to engage and a heart open to discern
Come and listen for the Sacred Spirit that calls you to love your neighbor wholeheartedly,
seek justice, create peace and practice compassion.
You are welcome here.
Learn more about us!
If you have brown skin, black skin, white skin, yellow skin, or red skin, you are welcome
If you are married or single, you are welcome
If you are gay or straight, you are welcome
If you cannot hear or see, you are welcome
If you are sick or well, you are welcome
If you are a man or a woman, you are welcome
If you are happy or sad, you are welcome
If you are rich or poor, powerful or weak, you are welcome
If you believe in God some of the time or none of the time or all of the time, you are welcome...
You are welcome here.
Come with your gifts, your pain, your hope, your fears
Come with the traditions that have helped you and hurt you
Come with your experiences that have made you and broken you
Come with a mind ready to engage and a heart open to discern
Come and listen for the Sacred Spirit that calls you to love your neighbor wholeheartedly,
seek justice, create peace and practice compassion.
You are welcome here.
Learn more about us!
deland ucc,
new hope ucc of deland,
UCC DeLand
DeLand, FL, USA
Red Roof Cafe defines 'Breakfast' for you...
Breakfast is the first meal taken after rising from a night's sleep, most often eaten in the early morning before undertaking the day's work. Among English speakers, "breakfast" can be used to refer to this meal or to refer to a meal composed of traditional breakfast foods (such as eggs, oatmeal and sausage) served at any time of day. The word literally refers to breaking the fasting period of the prior night. It has its origin in the Judeo-Christian custom of fasting from food between the supper meal of one day and the morning meal of the next.
300 S Volusia Ave - Hwy US 17-92, Orange City, Florida
(386) 561-9535 | 1876HERITAGEINN.COM
Breakfast is the first meal taken after rising from a night's sleep, most often eaten in the early morning before undertaking the day's work. Among English speakers, "breakfast" can be used to refer to this meal or to refer to a meal composed of traditional breakfast foods (such as eggs, oatmeal and sausage) served at any time of day. The word literally refers to breaking the fasting period of the prior night. It has its origin in the Judeo-Christian custom of fasting from food between the supper meal of one day and the morning meal of the next.
300 S Volusia Ave - Hwy US 17-92, Orange City, Florida
(386) 561-9535 | 1876HERITAGEINN.COM
Monday, April 6, 2015
Comly's Stump Grinding, LLC
Comly's Stump Grinding, LLC is a complete stump grinding service that services all of Central Florida.
Fully licensed and insured, we maintain that the job is not complete until the customer is satisfied. We specialize in:
Fully licensed and insured, we maintain that the job is not complete until the customer is satisfied. We specialize in:
• 3 ft. Gate Access
• Palmetto Removal
• Professional Service
• Yard Friendly Equipment
• Quick Response
• Great Price
We are fully equipped with a collection of equipment to serve all your needs from the smallest to largest stumps. We even provide stump removal service inside pool deck planters.
The very special 1876 Heritage Inn
What makes the 1876 Heritage Inn Special?
Situated in Orange City, the inn is 2.5 miles from Blue Springs State Park and within 6 miles of Victoria Hills Golf Club and Colby-Alderman Park. Stetson Mansion and Stetson University are also within 6 miles.
Property Features
A restaurant, a bar/lounge, and a coffee shop/café are available at this inn. Free WiFi in public areas and free self parking are also provided. Additionally, laundry facilities, a garden, a barber, and gift shops / newsstands are onsite.
Room Amenities
All 30 rooms provide conveniences like refrigerators and microwaves, plus free WiFi and TVs with cable channels. Free local calls, ceiling fans, and phones are among the other amenities that our guests find nice.
Situated in Orange City, the inn is 2.5 miles from Blue Springs State Park and within 6 miles of Victoria Hills Golf Club and Colby-Alderman Park. Stetson Mansion and Stetson University are also within 6 miles.
Property Features
A restaurant, a bar/lounge, and a coffee shop/café are available at this inn. Free WiFi in public areas and free self parking are also provided. Additionally, laundry facilities, a garden, a barber, and gift shops / newsstands are onsite.
Room Amenities
All 30 rooms provide conveniences like refrigerators and microwaves, plus free WiFi and TVs with cable channels. Free local calls, ceiling fans, and phones are among the other amenities that our guests find nice.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Living history: George and Martha Washington
"As I am within a few minutes of leaving this City, I could not think of departing from it without dropping you a line, especially as I do not know whether it may be in my power to write you again till I get to the Camp at Boston - I go fully trusting in that Providence, which has been more bountiful to me than I deserve, & in full confidence of a happy Meeting with you sometime in the Fall - I have no time to add more, as I am surrounded with Company to take leave of me - I retain an unalterable affection for you, which neither time or distance can change."
George Washington to Martha Washington
Phila. June 23d. 1775
George Washington to Martha Washington
Phila. June 23d. 1775
Two Pawn Guys
Two Pawn Guys...We buy, sell, trade, and loan!
We deal in firearms, gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, musical
instruments, TV's, home entertainment systems, and tools in good condition.
We have handguns, ammo, and rifles for sale.
Stop by and see us today!
PLUS...We also offer concealed weapons classes! Two Pawn Guys regularly hosts a Concealed Weapons Class, it is generally from 9 am to 1 pm. The instructor for the class will be an NRA Certified Firearms Instructor. The cost for the class is $65.00. Please call ahead to reserve a seat today!
16716 U.S. Hwy 441,
Mount Dora, Florida 32757
(352) 729-6693
We deal in firearms, gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, musical
instruments, TV's, home entertainment systems, and tools in good condition.
We have handguns, ammo, and rifles for sale.
Stop by and see us today!
PLUS...We also offer concealed weapons classes! Two Pawn Guys regularly hosts a Concealed Weapons Class, it is generally from 9 am to 1 pm. The instructor for the class will be an NRA Certified Firearms Instructor. The cost for the class is $65.00. Please call ahead to reserve a seat today!
16716 U.S. Hwy 441,
Mount Dora, Florida 32757
(352) 729-6693
Visit the Historic 1876 Heritage Inn
1876 Heritage Inn, Orange City - The 1876 Heritage Inn, Volusia County's oldest hotel, is located in a national register historic district, centrally located between Daytona Beach and the Orlando area attractions. Quaint accommodations and friendly service make the inn a perfect destination for a vacation, honeymoon, anniversary or weekend getaway. Leashed pets are welcome.
The Red Roof Cafe is located on site and is also pet-friendly with a doggie dining area in an interior courtyard.
The inn is home to one of only three U.S. Postal Museums in the country.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Holly Hill Home Insurance at MetroSurance
Is Home Insurance on your Mind?
When you choose Holly Hill Home Insurance with MetroSurance - you’re also getting your own dedicated home insurance agent! We will work with you to create a custom plan insurance just for you and your Holly Hill Home.
Here are a few Holly Hill Home Insurance Options that we offer.
Dwelling Protection: Covers damage to your home due to fire, lightening, smoke, storm damage or other similar perils.
Personal Property:Provides coverage for your household items in the event of a fire, theft or other covered loss.
Extended Replacement Cost: Provides additional coverage up to 150% of the dwelling’s policy limits to rebuild your home in the event you suffer a covered loss.
Additional Living Expenses: Provides coverage for living expenses if your home becomes uninhabitable as a result of a covered loss.
Personal Liability Protection: Pays for bodily injury or property damage caused to others as a result of a covered incident.
Guest Medical Protection: Pays medical expenses for your guests who are accidentally injured on your property.
Identity Theft Protection: Pays for expenses you incur as a result of criminal identity theft.
Additional personal property coverage, which pays for valuables, such as antiques, fine art and jewelry.
So what are you wanting for? Call your Holly Hill Home Insurance Agent Today!
(888) 683-1159
When you choose Holly Hill Home Insurance with MetroSurance - you’re also getting your own dedicated home insurance agent! We will work with you to create a custom plan insurance just for you and your Holly Hill Home.
Here are a few Holly Hill Home Insurance Options that we offer.
Dwelling Protection: Covers damage to your home due to fire, lightening, smoke, storm damage or other similar perils.
Personal Property:Provides coverage for your household items in the event of a fire, theft or other covered loss.
Extended Replacement Cost: Provides additional coverage up to 150% of the dwelling’s policy limits to rebuild your home in the event you suffer a covered loss.
Additional Living Expenses: Provides coverage for living expenses if your home becomes uninhabitable as a result of a covered loss.
Personal Liability Protection: Pays for bodily injury or property damage caused to others as a result of a covered incident.
Guest Medical Protection: Pays medical expenses for your guests who are accidentally injured on your property.
Identity Theft Protection: Pays for expenses you incur as a result of criminal identity theft.
Additional personal property coverage, which pays for valuables, such as antiques, fine art and jewelry.
So what are you wanting for? Call your Holly Hill Home Insurance Agent Today!
(888) 683-1159
Breakfast is too important to skip
3 More reasons to eat breakfast!
#1: Healthy Skin
Eggs made my list of 8 healthiest breakfast items and it’s no secret why! These babies are packed with protein, vitamins A and D, and the antioxidant lutein known to help maintain healthy skin. Hard boil eggs and store in the fridge for a grab-and-go breakfast or cook up an easy over-easy or scrambled egg in minutes.
#2: Power Your Brain
Without food in the morning, it can be tough to concentrate and you’re more likely to be irritable and tired—this is true with both adults and kids. Numerous studies have found that kids who eat breakfast daily perform better at school. According to the Food Research and Action Center kids who eat breakfast can increase math and reading scores and improve memory and speed on cognitive tests compared to when they skip breakfast.
#3: Energy Boost
Your brain needs glucose to work efficiently. After going all night without food, it’s important to “feed your brain” by eating a well-balanced breakfast. This can also help you avoid that mid-morning slump, which typically happens when you skip your morning meal.
Room Amenities
All 30 rooms provide conveniences like refrigerators and microwaves, plus free WiFi and TVs with cable channels. Free local calls, ceiling fans, and phones are among the other amenities that our guests find nice.
#1: Healthy Skin
Eggs made my list of 8 healthiest breakfast items and it’s no secret why! These babies are packed with protein, vitamins A and D, and the antioxidant lutein known to help maintain healthy skin. Hard boil eggs and store in the fridge for a grab-and-go breakfast or cook up an easy over-easy or scrambled egg in minutes.
#2: Power Your Brain
Without food in the morning, it can be tough to concentrate and you’re more likely to be irritable and tired—this is true with both adults and kids. Numerous studies have found that kids who eat breakfast daily perform better at school. According to the Food Research and Action Center kids who eat breakfast can increase math and reading scores and improve memory and speed on cognitive tests compared to when they skip breakfast.
#3: Energy Boost
Your brain needs glucose to work efficiently. After going all night without food, it’s important to “feed your brain” by eating a well-balanced breakfast. This can also help you avoid that mid-morning slump, which typically happens when you skip your morning meal.
Room Amenities
All 30 rooms provide conveniences like refrigerators and microwaves, plus free WiFi and TVs with cable channels. Free local calls, ceiling fans, and phones are among the other amenities that our guests find nice.
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