If you were told in the past that multi-tasking is a great skill to have, here is what science has already proven to us: Anytime we shift our focus from a task at hand, to go on to another task, we not only miss the five minutes away from what we were doing, but we actually miss anywhere between 11 and 30 minutes to go back to what we were doing before we got distracted. In other words, if you are writing your blog, and you are in the zone, focused, but then decide to stop to check that email that just came in, here is what is actually happening. You interrupted your focus (your “flow”) and you, likely, did that without having allocated sufficient time to actually address what that email may be requiring of you. In other words, you stopped, looked at it, perhaps flagged it or marked it as unread, and then went back to your blog. But, to actually get back to your focus takes another 11–30 minutes. If you do this repeatedly throughout the day, you can imagine how much time these “small” interruptions can end up costing you. Stay focused, give yourself two-hour blocks to complete your tasks, and then in between tasks, check emails, social media, and your laundry.
inspirityogastudio.com | (407) 203-6866 | twitter.com/InspiritStudio | plus.google.com/106272810764053316038/posts?hl=en
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