Thursday, September 3, 2015

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal is one of the oldest and most commonly performed procedures in the history of dentistry. It is also one of the safest. Nevertheless, as a fairly major surgical procedure, it does entail a healing period, and patients should know what to expect and how they can play a role in their own recovery before they undergo wisdom teeth removal. At Surgical Solutions in Orange City, wisdom teeth recovery tips are discussed in detail during confidential consultations so that patients know precisely what to anticipate going in to the procedure. This reflects the commitment to patient education that informs all of the work we do at Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Associates.

About Wisdom Teeth Removal
The “wisdom teeth” are the permanent adult teeth located in the back corners of the mouth. For many people, these teeth cause no issues whatsoever and therefore do not require removal. For others, however, there is simply no room for them on the jaw, which contributes to pain, bite problems, misalignment, or other oral health issues. As a result, one or more of the wisdom teeth must be removed.

In order to remove a wisdom tooth, one of our oral surgeons must:

Anesthetize the patient
Place an incision in the gum around the wisdom tooth
Surgically remove the tooth, usually in pieces
Cleanse the socket that contained the tooth
Stitch the incision closed, if necessary
Place gauze over the site of surgery
Tips for a Healthy Recovery from Wisdom Teeth Removal
Immediately after your oral surgery, you will be asked to bite gently down on the gauze for about an hour in order to keep it in place and prevent excess bleeding. In general, you will not be allowed to rinse your mouth as this will actually encourage bleeding; however, you may be prescribed an antibiotic mouth rinse to help prevent infection. It is important that you use this and any other medications exactly and only as advised.

Among the tips that you will be given to promote a healthy, efficient recovery are:

If you are a smoker, you should not smoke until you have fully healed from surgery. Preferably, you will use this opportunity to give up the habit altogether, as smoking is dangerous to both your oral and overall health.
Continue to brush your teeth, even on the day of your surgery, but use extreme care in doing so. Gentle brushing is important.
Do not use a straw during your recovery.
If you experience external swelling, use an ice pack.
During the first three or four days after your surgery, you should limit your diet to soft or pureed foods such as yogurt and soup. Let your soup cool down a bit before eating it, as hot foods should be avoided altogether until you have healed completely.
Pay close attention to your healing. After three days, your pain and swelling should be lessening, and you should not be experiencing any discharge from the surgical site. You will want to contact our office immediately if you are not healing as expected after three days.
Learn More about Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery
To learn more about wisdom teeth removal recovery, please contact Surgical Solutions today.

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| (386) 837-1236 | |

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